Sunday, 23 October 2022

Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor

 Tonight I sat down and watched the Doctor Who special entitled The Power of the Doctor - I've not really watched the show in years, but I was enticed to watch this feature length special because I'd heard it was a regeneration episode in which the new Doctor would be revealed. 

I've long given up regularly watching the show  but I have tuned in now and then - mainly those regeneration episodes, but to be honest the show is not really for me. Not any more.

 Perhaps I've grown too old and cranky but the incoherent plotting of the episodes I have watched didn't really help and where the show once thrilled me it's gotten to the point where the only feelings it arouses is confusion.  WTF is going on?

WTF is going on perfectly sums up my feeling after viewing this feature length special. We had Daleks and Cybermen and the Master dancing to Boney M's Rasputin, while the Doctor dashed about mumbling manic  techno-babble and gobbledygook to explain the plot to us idiots peering at the screen in disbelief. What have they done to the beloved show that was Doctor Who?

There were some nice bits though - some old companions showed up, as did several previous incarnations of the Doctor and the ending (that regeneration scene) was a genuine shock when the 13th Doctor regenerated  into David Tennant - yep, he's back for another stab at the character. I know from various media news reports that the show has been in trouble for some time and maybe bringing Tennant back to the show is just what's needed to encourage viewers back to a show that been coasting on recent ratings of around three million. That Russel T. Davies is also returning as show runner is also good news for fans of the show.

I likely tune in for the first of the new Tennant episodes when they air next year, but to be honest this feature length story was nonsensical and suffered from too many erratic jumps and plot contrivances.

 In a weekend where the show aired a feature length special with previous companions and Doctors reprising their roles it turned out that the most entertaining Who material broadcast was Tyler West and Dianne Buswell doing a tango to the theme tune on Strictly Come Dancing. That fact speaks volumes about where the show is today.

No doubt, rabid Who fans ( and there are many) will rave about this episodes but to this casual viewer it was something of a let down.

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