doing a three for two promotion on all crime fiction and as it's one of my favourite genres I've been taking full advantage and have bought probably in excess of twenty books since the offer started.
Today I came away with
Die a little by Megan Abbot (I loved the cover and the blurb sounds like my kind of book. In fact this is the best cover I've seen in a long time.)
Gone fishing by Walter Mosley (the first Easy Rawlins thriller. I've read a few of the later books but this one is new to me.)
Sudden Mischief by Robert B. Parker (another in the brilliant Spenser series)
These will be reviewed, in the fullness of time on this blog. I'm currently rediscovering Chandler and re-reading all the Marlowe books for the first time since I was a teenager. It'll be strange to review the Chandler stuff as it's so well known and reams and reams have been written about it. But I think it would be interesting to try and ignore the weight of history and talk about it as if it was a new book by a new writer you just discovered.
Anyway got to go and do some reading now.
For through these mean pages a man must flick. A man who is himself not mean but enjoys a damn good story....
FAVOURITE CHANDLER LINE EVER - She gave me a smile that I could feel in my hip pocket.
I do like thes covers much.
Also check out the covers of Megan Abbott's QUEENPIN and THE SONG IS YOU. The artwork was done by the amazing Richie Fahey (who, I believe, also did the covers for the recent Penguin James Bond reprints). Check out his website here: http://www.richiefahey.com/
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