Riders of Destiny (1933)
John Wayne plays Singing Sandy - I kid you now. Billed as a western musical this all action B-western features several songs from The Duke - OK, he was dubbed but the scenes are still hilarious, especially now that we have Wayne's entire body of work to look at. This film always embarrassed Wayne and he never liked to talk about it and would often skip the issue when questioned by interviewers.
The currently available DVD cut has had no remastering and the ancient print lacks contrast which makes viewing the brighter scenes a little eye searing. But why buy it anyway when the movie is in the public domain and embedded in its entirety at the end of this post. So why not click play and watch this thrilling John Wayne movie

It is great fun - Gabby Hayes co-stars and is always wonderful. There is a thrilling section early in the film where Wayne, doubled by Yakima Canutt, gallops down an impressively steep hill. The scene is as breathtaking and effective as it ever was. The scene can be found 4.15 minutes into the film and by then we've already had Wayne warbling and a sheriff shot. The B-westerns may be technically bereft and not always using the best actors but they are worth watching. Wayne is cardboard on times here but the signs that one day he would become a true American icon are often visible when he performs a particularly inspired scene. And all of the Lone Star/Wayne pictures are worth seeing simply for the sheer fun of it. No pretensions, no frills but thrilling adventures of yesteryear.
Old, creaky and excellent.
So put your feet up pard and let the years roll back with this long forgotten classic.
It's interesting to watch these old films and see Marion Morrison evolve into the John Wayne we all loved. His acting,voice,fighting skills and walk all changed over the 10 years he did these B westerns.
Wayne looks so young. Must have been one of his first.
Patti - incredibly this was the young Duke 46th film.
46th? Man oh man. He was a busy guy. Thanks for posting the full film, Gary!
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