Sunday 21 June 2009

Jack Martin news

The Devil's Right Hand by Jack Martin - a western short in the traditional sense will appear on Beat to a Pulp next week. Although written a couple of year ago and bought by Great Western Fiction Magazine the story has never been published before, since the magazine folded before the story was printed. I'm pleased Beat to a Pulp is running the story as the webzine was actually the first place I'd been published under the Jack Martin name when they ran my story, A Man Called Masters which you can access from the sidebar of this blog.


Cullen Gallagher said...

Looking forward to reading it next week!

David Cranmer said...

It's a damn fine story and we are proud to publish it.

Paul D Brazill said...

Yep, really looking forward to it.

Laurie Powers said...

if it's anything like The Tarnished Star, we're in for a treat.