Saturday, 17 July 2010


I still remember hearing that Norman Wisdom had died - in a cock up worthy of the great comedian, Sky News in 2008 reported the Wisdom had died and started running a pre-recorded obituary both its news programs and its website. However it was soon discovered that the news was false. Sky apologised ,stating that the news had been published in error in response to e-mail queries

Wisdom, although sadly in declining health, is still around today.

Norman Wisdom's, Pitkin character, which he played in a string of successful films during the 50's-60's, captured the hearts of a generation after generation of film fans. Remarkable given that Wisdom didn't become an entertainer until he was aged 31, getting his first break as the straight man to magician David Nixon. Shortly afterwards Wisdom started appearing alone, adopting the flat cap and a suit at least too sizes too small, for sell out comedy shows. Indeed none less than Charles Chaplin called Wisdom his favourite clown.


Jo Walpole said...

LOVE Norman Wisdom. I think he lives in a care home now on the Isle of Wight. At least he's still got an audience. Jo

Anonymous said...

How very appropriate that Sky News would have blundered like that for that particular story. Somehow, that's just very...fitting.

I.J. Parnham said...

I'm sure it'll be the Isle of Man where he's spent a lot of his life.

As nobody else has said it about Albania's national hero, I'll do it. Mr Grimsdale! Mr Grimsdale!