Friday, 20 August 2010

The eBook drinking game

If you're tired of hearing about eBooks in just about every media report you hear or see, then you're not alone. The Bookavore  website is so fed up of the constant reports of this new revolution in books, that he has devised the following eBook drinking game.

The rules of the game are really quite simple:

“Will e-books wipe out/kill/decimate/pulverize/HULKSMASH/angry verb real books?” — one drink
Above question is lede — one drink
Every use of phrase “real book” — one drink
Expert you’ve never heard of before predicting percentages — one drink
Any predicted percentage of anything over 30% — one drink
Any discussion of book world after 2020 — one drink
“old-fashioned” — one drink
Passionate defense of DRM — one drink
Passionate defense of DRM from someone outside the publishing industry — one drink (of the blood of a sphinx) (mixed with the blood of a centaur)
Assertion that e-book prices are too high, and will lower soon — one drink
Assertion that e-book prices are too low, and will raise soon — one drink
Article uses vague Amazon press release stats misleadingly — one drink
“too soon to tell” — one drink
“no matter what” — one drink
“game-changer” — one drink
“turn the page” used as a pun — one drink
“turn the page” used as a pun in the headline — two drinks
The words “cuddle” or “snuggle” used to describe reading habits — two drinks
Reminder that some people read in the bathtub or on the beach and assertion that e-readers/physical books are superior in this regard — two drinks
Journalist and/or someone interviewed acknowledges that hir habits might be damaging to an industry s/he loves but cannot bring self to change them — two drinks
“smell of a real book” — clean out the liquor cabinet, drink until you pass out, wake up next morning, puke, then continue drinking

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