Tomorrow I'll be posting an interview with Terry Harknett AKA George G. Gilman.
The legendary author of Piccadilly cowboy fame told me, very kindly, that he reads The Tainted Archive every day. I first got hooked on the Edge books during the seventies when the books could be found in every bookshop in the UK, in fact during those days Gilman's books even outsold Louis L'amour. And today they still have such a following that the books, particularly the later ones, go on Ebay for double figures, sometime unbelievably even more if a book is particularly sought after.
Over the years I must have spent hours upon hours in the company of Mr Gilman's enigmatic characters and to find out the author is reading my blog is a real kick to me. I am particularly honoured to do this interview and will be working all evening on getting it in shape.
Man, I love this writer.
The Tainted Archive as read by George G. Gilman - tee hee!
Good for you, mate. You beat me to my next destination.
sorry about that RAY - Still, I'm enjoying your blog very much. In fact it seems that the two main western blogs that I read - yours and western fiction review are all developing nicely and gaining a loyal readership. That is great - considering the work that goes into putting these things together.
Can't wait to read the interview. Type man, type!
Hey Jo, what you doing with that gun in your hand?
Gary, where the heck do you find the time to act, write, and blog?... I'm looking forward to the Harknett interview.
DAVID - I get by on a nanosecond of sleep a day. LOL
As Ray said, you beat me to this interview, looking forward to it.
Looking forward to this interview!
Ray and Steve - great minds think alike. LOL
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