I want to talk a little about the insidious spread of political correctness that is threatening to turn us all into bland Mr Smiths, all thinking the same thing, dressing the same, looking the same, happy because we are told we're happy.
Political correctness destroys individualism and rewrites our linguistic heritage.
In recent years political correctness had resulted in certain councils renaming Christmas the Winter Celebrations, the famous gollywog emblem being removed from Jam jars, cartoon characters being removed from children's breakfast cerials, the cigarette in Paul McCartney's hand on the Abbey Road album being airbrushed over.
At the end of the day political correctness is social tyranny and censorship dressed up under a new name.
The following quote comes from The Political correctness website
Why do the PC Brigade seem obsessed with rewriting our history and not teaching it to our schoolchildren? Schoolchildren leaving school are now almost completely ignorant of British history. Is it in a mistaken attempt to portray a harmonious Europe or as a way of forgetting our colonial past? Is it in a misguided attempt not to offend the losers? Changing history is a dangerous thing to do as it is only by learning the lessons of history that we may manage not to repeat them!
In the pages of a history book, however, most of us would expect Britain’s role in the years 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 to at least warrant a mention. But in a work for schools produced by Brussels, there is no reference to World War I or World War II in the section on Britain. The glaring omission consigns key events such as the Battle of Britain, the Blitz, Dunkirk and D-Day to the dustbin. And, in a move seen as rewriting history for the sake of Euro-friendliness, it erases the pivotal role Britain played in shaping the future of Europe. Nothing of note is recorded as happening in Britain early in the 20th century, with the Great War conspicuous by its absence. Again, nothing significant is marked between 1931, when the author notes the Commonwealth was created, and 1947, when Britain pulled out of India. World War II is not mentioned – although it does feature in sections on many other countries in the book. In the section on Germany, meanwhile, the word Nazi is not mentioned. Instead, it is merely noted that 1929 saw ‘a surge in extremist movements’ and that in 1933 Hitler became chancellor. The book Histoires de l’Europe Vo

There was incredulity at its omissions. Historian Dr David Starkey said: ‘The jaw drops. Only one country resisted Germany in 1939-40 and it is important that country is mentioned. And World War I is one of the central events in British domestic history.‘What this must seem to suggest is that Britain decided not to take part in either of the two European conflicts of the 20th century, in which case the outcome of those conflicts would have been somewhat different, to put it mildly.’ The book allocates four pages to each of the 28 members and prospective members of the EU. But Dr Starkey said: ‘It’s ludicrous that we should get the same as somewhere like Estonia. The whole history of Scotland warrants only one and-a-half lines.‘This tidying up of history is an indication of a move towards greater European unity. It’s airbrushing.’
Chris Heaton-Harris, Tory MEP for the East Midlands, said: ‘For World War I and II not to get a mention is bizarre. I think it’s part of an agenda within Belgian society nowadays to have as little as possible to do with the Brits or the Americans. It’s sad, because if it were not for those two groups of people it would have been a very different picture on the Continent for the last 60 years.’ Robert Whelan, of think tank Civitas, said omitting World War I made any claim that the book is a history of Britain ‘ridiculous’. A spokesman for the Belgian section of the European parliament’s Office of Information, said: ‘Everyone knows about World War II so we didn’t think it was necessary to put it in.’
There can be little doubt that if you were German you’d want to rewrite your history. After all, the responsibility for two world wars, the murder of six million people in concentration camps and another 15 million outside them — all within living memory — are acts with which only a masochist or a psychopath would want to associate himself. However that was then and does not reflect on Germans of today. In recent days, though, the campaign to airbrush the evil out of the Teutonic past has assumed a new vitality. Last week Joschka Fischer, the Fourth Reich’s foreign minister, complained on a visit here that the British view of Germany was an obsession with ‘goose-stepping Prussians’, whereas his country was now peopled by ‘real democrats’. Then it was revealed that a new European Union-sponsored history makes no mention of the apparently minor events of both world wars, or of Winston Churchill and Britain’s heroic, lone resistance to Fascism in 1940. Brief mention is made of Hitler, none at all of the Nazis. Yesterday, it was reported that a group of British history teachers are spending their half-term in Germany, being persuaded (at the German taxpayers’ expense) to take a more benign view of the country and its past.
The organisers of celebrations to mark the 200th anniversary of Lord Nelson’s triumph and heroic death at the Battle of Trafalgar have been told that the celebrations must not offend the French. Instead, they must focus on the hardships of ordinary seamen on both sides. The aim is not to celebrate his victory over the French. Portsmouth, home to Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory is preparing politically correct education packs

History is history -only from the study of it, warts and all, can we learn of our mistakes and try not to make then again. And make no bones about PC is one big mistake and enough is enough for tomorrow will be too late.........
Good important post. I believe in being conscientious of others feelings but we are being smothered by the pc police.
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And thus we refute the whitewasher of history.
gUYS - MY VIEWS EXACTLY. I also believe we should be feeling to others but this PC stuff is all crap.
Thank you for highlighting this issue. Given its way, the PC brigade would rewrite history, censor what we can say or read; limit what we can watch, eat or drink . . . let alone smoke!
On the European issue, I am horrified. Having lived in NZ for so long, I hadn't realized how bad it had become. There were always hints that it might come to such a pass, of course. In his article for the current Black Horse Extra, Bill Spence drew attention to one of the hints -- Churchill's politically expedient ignoring of Bomber Command after World War II was over. But with sane British and German citizens collaborating on the likes of writing novels -- also covered in the same issue of the Extra -- I'd blissfully assumed that normal, friendly relations in the 21st century were well under way without the need for a censorship of history.
Keith - things are getting to the point of insanity. I intend to return to this issue in a later post as I'm currently researching the PC effect on films, books, records etc. So anyone have any examples then please let me know.
This is an important posting. When my children were in Elem. School and High school, I would open their history texts and be shocked at what educators have changed in the books. One sentence on Pearl Harbor, one sentence on D-Day, but a page on the Japanese interment camps, a page on the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a page on women's & minorities role in WWII. I would shout "How about the guys who fought and died for the cause." Reading the stuff, you would think the guys who were fighting for the Allies were the bad guys.
It's a shame and it's getting worse.
August - recently in the UK we had the armistice celebrations for the 90th and some councils refused to acknowledge the event. What about the thousands, on all sides, who died in the great war. These PC lot should be shot. Quite literally.
A peculiar thought struck me as I read through your post.
In the days of Germany's Hitler Reich your piece would have been enough to have you branded as a political agitator and sent to a concentration camp.
But then, think about it, who are the biggest powers in Europe? Germany and France.
What do they have in common? Both are historical enemies of England.
The only reason that Europe can get away with 'altering' history is because we have had a succession of weak governments that do not have the ability to say 'NO' to a lot of things.
Where's Thatcher and Churchill when you need them?
Trouble is we elect these so called governments - so who can we blame but ourselves?
I just feel that we need to stand up and say - THIS IS THIS AND THAT IS THAT - history happened the way it happened and if we treat each other with respect then who cares what words we use. The world can be a bad enough place without worrying about nonsense. The altering of books I find particularly distasteful. And the airbrushing out of the ciggie in Paul McCartney's hand on the Abbey Road cover is tantamount to insanity.
Ah! But think about the value of a cover with McCartney with a cigarette will be. The price of that album will escalate.
I was unaware of the McCartney sans cigarette cover. That's a shame. The attempts at whitewashing history are regrettable, too.
But where does that put wanting to shoot people who disagree with you?
Chris - shoot is just a figure of speech. But this nonsense does make me foam at the mouth.
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