Years ago – around the time of Tommyknockers (1987) I stopped
reading Stephen King – prior to that point I’d been a voracious fan of
King’s work but Tommyknockers bored me. I did flirt with some of his
later books but it wasn’t until Cell that I got back into King. I also
thought last year’s collection, Full Dark, No Stars was excellent – that
collection was made up of four novellas, though back in the day these
stories would have qualified as novels and so I was eager for King’s new
book but also a bit weary because I’d heard it was another thousand
The thing is that sometime around the late 1980′s publishers
seemed to drop short novels from their lists as if the number of pages
equated with value for money. Of course this was stupid – a story has a
natural length whether it is fifty pages of five hundred pages but the
high and mighty publishing industry didn’t see it that way and the
result was that many books were padded out in order to extend a story,
best told in 200 pages, into 500+ pages. And King has often been as
guilty of padding out his books as anyone else, but it mustn’t be
forgotten that King has written some excellent longer works – It, The
Stand, Salem’s Lot to name but a few of a long list.
“King’s next book, due out in November, will be titled
11/22/63 – the date Kennedy was shot dead while travelling in an
open-topped presidential limousine in Dallas, Texas – and will feature a
time-travelling Maine schoolteacher, Jake Epping, who tries to prevent
the killing.” From The Guardian Newspaper.
UK version goes for photographic cover
Today I bought King’s new book 11/22/63 – priced up at £19.99 I got
in in W H Smith’s for £9.99 - part of a special offer. The books comes
in at 700 plus pages and also features a tantalizingly snippet of news
regarding a new Dark Tower book to be published next spring, and it’s a
safe bet that readers will get a hernia lugging it around. The current
wisdom is that the novella is making a comeback, but Stephen King is in a
position where he doesn’t need to follow the leader and can be true to
himself as an artist, can craft a story without considering market
And so as I sit down to read King’s new mammoth tome, let’s hope the story warrants the length.
I just picked up King's new novella, UR, available only for ereaders or audiobooks. It's a cautionary tale for buyers of the Kindle.
UR - gonna get that
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