Thursday, 8 November 2012

Daniel Craig in Treefall: 007 News

Sam Mendes has told the Huffington Post that he considered casting Sean Connery in the Albert Finney role in Skyfall, but that he quickly changed his mind - "There was a definite discussion about that — way, way early on. But I think that’s problematic. Because, to me, it becomes too … it would take you out of the movie. Connery is Bond and he’s not going to come back as another character. It’s like, he’s been there. So, it was a very brief flirtation with that thought, but it was never going to happen, because I thought it would distract." Sam Mendes

Oh Adele that is so touching. Sniff!
In other Bond related news current 007 Daniel Craig told Yahoo movies that he cried the first time he heard the Skyfall theme - "From the opening bars I knew immediately, then the voice kicked in and it was exactly what I'd wanted from the beginning. It just got better and better because it fitted the movie. In fact the more of the movie we made, the more it fitted it." Daniel Craig.

That Daniel Craig is such a f**king girl - he got hit in the nuts by a big rope in Casino Royale without a single tear and a few bars of a retro sounding theme song gets him blubbering like a baby.

Details of the new Bond novel by William Boyd due to be published in 2013 are starting to leak through - the book is still as yet untitled but it is confirmed that the story will be set in 1969. Boyd seems a good choice for Bond - a lifelong fan of the Fleming novels he even used Fleming in the plot of his 2002 novel, Any Human Heart.

"His thrillers occupy the niche that Ian Fleming would fill were he writing today and with similar style and flair. This, alongside his fascination with Fleming himself, makes him the perfect choice to take Bond back to his 1960s world." Corinne Turner, managing Director of Ian Fleming Publications Ltd.

And sticking with books Roger Moore's Bond on Bond, out now from Michael O'Mara Limited, is an entertaining look at fifty years of the Bond movies told in Roger's usual witty style.

Premium Bond
"As Bond I set pulses racing across the world but these days it is my pacemaker that keeps my pulse racing. Still I have my memories" Roger Moore.

And wonderful memories they are with Moore giving us his thoughts on all of the other actors who have worn the iconic 007 shoes.

Skyfall opens in the US tomorrow and it is a certain thing that it will repeat the success it's had in the UK these past two weeks. Daniel Craig still looks out of place as Bond in several scenes but in this movie he is very much Fleming's Bond. It's a far better Bond movie that both Casino Royale and Quantum of Shit and to my mind maybe the best James Bond movie since Goldeneye. After the previous Bond movies Skyfall returns us to classy, stylish movies instead of grubby shoot-em-up Hollywood look-a -like rubbish. And it's about time but yeah, James Bond is truly back.

Archive's full Skyfall review can be read HERE but watch out for spoilers.

And sticking with Skyfall - . Team Bond took to chain saws chopping down two 100 year old trees meeting with protest from local residents in Istanbul.  Insert your own Q branch jokes in here.
The new Bond movie Skyfall allegedly commits environmental damage in Istanbul according to a Turkish paper.  Scenes were shot on and over famous 600 years old Grand Baazar. During the motorcyle chase shooting over the baazar, the roof of the historical building and 500 years old adjacent wooden building was damaged. Turkish daily Habertürk also reports that 2 trees, each over hundred years old, were cut to make the shooting smoother for the crew of the movie. Enviromental activists protested alleged cuttings and said Istanbul is ravaged for a movie that many of the population will never have the luxury of seeing.

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