Saturday 10 November 2012

Sherlock tells tales, Star Wars writer confirmed and Tarantino says "fuck you" to Star Wars:

Benedict Cumberbatch, still best known as TV's Sherlock, despite high profile roles in the forthcoming Hobbit and Star Trek II (The Archive predicts his Star Trek character being Gary Mitchell and not Khan), but all the may change with his next role. Cumberbatch is to play controversial Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Michael Arndt, who went from Matthew Broderick's personal assistant to the Academy Award-winning screenwriter of Little Miss Sunshine in just seven years, was in talks with Lucasfilm to turn their treatment into a full-fledged script. And now it's official. has confirmed Arndt will write Star Wars: Episode VII. Producer Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas himself have had story conferences with Arndt, and through them have become confident he is the best writer to tackle the next chapter in this still-expanding series. 

Quentin Tarantino when asked by Entertainment Weekly if he would like to direct the next Star Wars film if he was asked, the director snapped, .Fuck no. I'm not interested in a Star Wars by those Disney fuckers.' Well words to that affect anyway - his actual words were - "No, sorry. Especially if Disney’s going to do it. I’m not interested in the Simon West version of Star Wars." Tarantino then went onto confirm that he wasn't a fan of the Star Wars movies.

Daniel Day-Lewis is currently earning raves for his performance as a conflicted Abraham Lincoln in Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln. The inforgraphic on this page show just how many times each American president has been portrayed on screen. Original article HERE

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