David over at his "MIGHTY PULP WRITER BLOG" kindly gave me this award which was given in turn to him by Barbara Martin and James Reasoner.
Now the rules of the award are simple. You download the image and place it on your own blog and then you pass the award onto five other blogs that you think are fab. You must also link to the person who gave you the award which I've done above.
So here are my five nominations.
Rafe Mcgregor - as writers we share the same publisher. Rafe's blog is highly detailed and never fails to be interesting.
Broken Trails is another western writer who runs book reviews and interviews on his blog.
Soapy Smith's Soapbox is a new blog that features some great western history and is written by a relative of the actual Soapy Smith, old west badman.
The louis L'amour project is so much more than just Louis L'amour posts. Give it a try.
Bear Alley is run by comic books guru, Steve Holland
So that's my five and don't forget to visit the Tainted Archive later for the penultimate part of Chap O'keefe's full western novel, The Sheriif and the Widow.

Cool and congrats. A well deserved honor. I got this from James and should post it on my blog. I'm so bad about that.
Thank you very much Gary!
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