Tuesday 3 March 2009


Well it's been an gone and judging by the amount of people involved has been a great success. I visited several bookshops Borders, W H Smith's and The Book People and requested westerns from them all. Smiths said they could order anything I wanted and mentioned that I was the third person to ask that day - surely related to the Wild West Monday initiative!. I also bought a Louis L'Amour from Borders. I also appeared on local radio which I assumed was live but apparently it's going to be broadcast as part of the channel's book program this Sunday. I'll record my segment and stick it on this blog and you tube.

The date of the next Wild West Monday will be set for sometime around late summer. The next one is going to be even bigger with much more going on. The Tainted Archive would like to thank everyone for their fine efforts on behalf of this wonderul genre of ours.

The winners in the Chap O'Keefe/Misfit Lil contest have been announced and winners contacted. I'm just waiting for a couple more people to get back with the address details and the books will be mailed out quickly. Hope you all enjoy them.

Yesterday The Archive started publishing Chap O'Keefe's classic western, The Sheriff and the Widow and part two will follow next Monday. If you haven't read part one of the great full novel then scroll down to the relevant post - the one following this post, actually.

Thanks to Chap/Keith for gifting this novel to all Archive readers to celebrate another Wild West Monday. Keith's a great guy and deserves kudos for his Wild West Monday contributions. Come on Keith leave a comment and thanks from us all out here in the Wild Cyber-West.

Oh and head over to The Louis L'amour project where Chris is testing his new podcast out. Give it a listen.

The Archive has done a month of western related posts leading up to yesterday's Wild West Monday but now normal service resumes with the usual eclectic list of topics and genres coming. I've got big plans for The Archive over the coming months and I hope you, friends and readers, will let me know if I'm getting the mixture correct.

Oh and I should mention I'll be doing a Tarnished Star singing session in my local Borders in July. They'll be erecting a western display and I am going to be dressed in extravagant western clothing of the type worn by the early screen cowboys. I may end up looking like a tit but, what the hell it's a bit of fun. I may even display my guitar skills and give an off-key rendition of Home on the Range.

Oh and as a taster of things to come THE ARCHIVE has something very special and Billy the Kid themed coming very soon. You're going to love this one.

Cheers from the Wild West of Wales.



I.J. Parnham said...

First there was Tainted Star, the book. Then came Tainted Star, the video. Now we have Tainted Star, the musical!

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

And Tarnished Star the bloody fine western.

Ray said...

You'll have to tell us the where and the when - this has to be a must see show.

Jo Walpole said...

I might even cross the border to see you sing!

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

I guarantee you'll cross back over pretty quickly after the first note.

Charles Gramlich said...

Seeing you in full western regalia would be almost worth flying over for. Glad the day went well and looking forward to your plans for the Archive.

Jo Walpole said...

Gary, I hope this is not out of line. Do you think it's wise to let WWM possibly lose momentum by leaving the next one til end of Summer (Aug-Sept?)? I'd got it into my mind that it would probably be a bi-monthly thing. I know this is rich coming from me since I'm not one of the most vocal supporters but I felt I needed to just bring it up for debate. :)

Chris said...

Agreed, to a degree. I know you're the one who has to organize the whole thing, but I'd personally miss it while waiting for late summer!

Ray said...

Totally agree Joanne - the momentum has to be maintain until the next big push. I intend to keep up the pressure on Waterstones-but I can't do it alone.
In the aftermath of WWM - a casual chat with someone yesterday resulted in a phonecall from a gentleman from the Jamaican community who reads BHWs by the bucketload. He asked if I could let him have some covers for the March releases and he'll put them up in his music shop. And yes, he sells reggae music - but something I didn't know was that westerns were big in that community.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Ok I'll do a post later asking when everyone thinks we should hold the next Wild West Monday. I'm cool with every other month if that's what everyone feels is needed.

Jo Walpole said...

We all appreciate it's a big commitment for you. Don't hesitate to suggest some deligation.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Ray - excellent. The western can cross all class barriars. After all everyone can enjoy a good adventure story wether they're white, black, yellow, green or even pink with blue spots. The western is for everyone who want to be taken out of the humdrum world.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Jo - the more delegation the better. true I came up with the concept but it's for everyone. we can all do our thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what you'd like me to comment on specifically, Gary, but naturally I'm delighted to hear of other folks' successes in spreading the word on WW Monday. Would that I had some exciting coup of my own to report. The bookshop I visited gave the same old answers, pointing me to the Louis L'Amours -- but with charming smiles, damnit!

I'd say be careful with the frequency of WW Mondays. Too many and the natives will become clued up and greet them with yawns and prepared answers.

Meanwhile, a seasoned performer and accomplished panto dame like yourself needs no warnings about the dangers in dressing up as a singing cowboy for publicity. To most other writers I'd say, don't do it! The fun can so easily become ridicule for yourself and the genre. We don't want to hear of anyone falling flat on their face -- or having that face pictured with its Stetson as the face of the Western in some tabloid's funny story of the day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm an avid fan of Louis L'Amour! For western clothing, you might want to check out Cacties, we offer one of the best western shirts online. Goodluck!

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Well Cowboy Friendly - you advertise the next Wild West Monday and I'll stick a feature up on your shirts on THE ARCHIVE.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Great day for you, Gary!

Ray said...

Let the dust settle a little. Support ongoing projects.
Keep posting western related items.
I would suggest another Wild West Day Oct/Nov with the Christmas market in mind - but that's up to everyone involved.
I will post a couple of western related items this week - just to round it off.

I.J. Parnham said...

If we're adding ten cents' worth I'd think quarterly sounds a good balance of being frequent but being well spread out. That way you'd get one a season and be in time for Xmas in a few more.

As regards Ray's comment, a few people have bought books off me from the caribbean. I hadn't thought too much about it (well, other than getting really excited when one of the buyers had the name of a famous Windies cricketer then finding it wasn't him) but that's interesting.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Quarterly sounds great to me - four a year and of course we all can keep pushing the genre all year round. Every month at least 50% of the Archives review will be westerns. I've not got a firm date in mind for the next one yet but I thought July'ish and then the next just before Christmas.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Oh and I J - it amazes me where in the world people read The Archive from, even non English speaking countries. I think that all of us, together, have got a good thing going.