This is only the second Parker book I've read - that fact that it's number 23 in the series did nothing to spoil my enjoyment and I didn't need to know the entire history of the series to follow the story. In fact it's very much a standalone novel and once again has left me eager to start my next Stark/Parker.
The book starts off with a bang when Parker tosses a petrol bomb into a garage in order to create a diversion for an armed gang to carry out a robbery in another part of town.
However Parker's double crossed by the gang who want to keep his stake in order to finance a jewel robbery further down the line. Their big mistake is leaving Parker alive when they flee to carry out their plans.
Another lesson in hardboild excellence that left me clamouring for more of the enigmatic Parker and I've just moved Firebreak, another Parker, to the top of my TBR pile.
Parker, stubborn old git that he is follows the gang to Palm Springs and sets about putting a plan together that will see his money returned to him, or at least that's the theory. As with The Hunter, the only other Parker I've read thus far, the story moves along at a breakneck pace. And Parker's just as nasty as ever and totally without redeeming features.
You're making me want to try one of these. How have I missed 'em all these years?
I dig the fact that all his stories (or most) start in the middle of some Parker action.
Charles - Im the same. Can't believe I've never read these before.
DAVID - The two I've read certainly start off running. And the one I'm reading now Firebreak starts with the phone ringing in the middle of a murder. It's all explained so coldly and matter of factly. I love these books.
I only know the character as he appears in The Outfit (Robert Duvall is Macklin) and Point Blank (Lee Marvin as Walker). I probably should get started on this series, too, seeing as I regret not reading guys like John D. MacDonald, as well.
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