Wednesday 18 March 2009

Straddling genres

I was pleased to find that David Cramer and Elaine Ash have accepted a short story of mine, The Way to a Man's Heart... for publication on Beat to a Pulp. Now usually I can slot my stories firmly into a genre without them touching the sides but with this one I'm not sure where it belongs. I think maybe it's crime, or horror or even a black comedy.

Ahh well perhaps you'll be able to tell me when the story is published.

OK nuff said, I'm off for a night shoot now playing the ten pin bowling lothario, Smarmy Dennis.


Charles Gramlich said...

Cool. Beat to a pulp is fast becoming a highly visual market.

Paul D Brazill said...

Look forward to it.

sandra seamans said...

That's great news, Gary! Looking forward to reading it.

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 From July 1st 2024 it will be illegal to own or buy any vaping device other than from pharmacies, and flavours will be limited to mint, men...