Wanted to bring this to everyone's attention.
Over on Steve M's wonderful Western Fiction Review is an interview with Helen Ogden who is in charge of publicity with the Black Horse Western range of westerns.
It's nice to see that Helen is so receptive to the western genre and is determined not go with the status quo.
Please everyone leave a comment on Steve's blog so that the Hale publicity people can see how popular the western is.
On my way...
I'll check it out.
Thanks for the pointer, Gary. Steve's WFR is a blog I follow on a regular basis. Indeed, I had hoped he might be able to do something like this. That said, when I introduced Helen and Steve (by email from NZ -- ain't modern tech great!) in October, my prime intention was to secure reviews by Steve of current BHWs rather than just the ones being sold off by libraries at the end of their borrowing life.
Steve is doing a great job.
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