largely because I've been on a film set today working on a tele-movie to be shown on Boxing Day 2009 - my part of a market stall holder was but a little one but it's been a long day - I had to be on set for 5am and then we wrapped at about 4pm and then the night from 6pm onwards till now - 2am was spent cabbing.
Ahh well, need must.
Anyway the Archive is back to Wild West Monday mode all next week with interviews with Lance Howard and Joanne Walpole, as well as an early review for Joanne's Long Shadows which is published at the end of this month. There'll also be some more guest bloggers as well as the usual reviews and what not and news of the new issue of Black Horse Extra which will be going live around the middle of the month. I've seen a preview and Keith Chapman AKA Chap O'Keefe has managed to pull together the usual varied bunch of features and news. This issue also contains a great piece on Jack Martin's Tarnished Star which really made my day and an interview with myself.
Keith's done a great job putting this together. There's even mention of the Welsh arm of the Chap O'keefe fan club.
Anyway I'm going back to sleep
Sounds like a busy day.
Thanks for the mention. I'm looking forward to the review of Long Shadows especially since it's now available for immediate delivery (Amazon, Book Depository, etc).
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