Sunday 31 May 2009


JAMES DELINGPOLE INTERVIEW - The author of COWARD ON THE BEACH has a new Dick Coward adventure in Coward at the Bridge. The Archive will have the low down.

IAN PARNHAM INTERVIEW - The Black Horse favourite will be talking cowboys with the Tainted Archive.

Our review of the new Star Trek movie. There will be spoilers so beware if you've not seen it yet.

News of the Tainted Podcast - which should launch before the end of the month.

June sees the publication of The Tarnished Star and we will be going Tarnished Star bananas as we push the book from the shelves and into your hands.

Plus the usual eclectic mix of news, reviews, features and all round good stuff.

Wild WEST MONDAY is hours away folks.

1 comment:

Chris said...

That picture is awesome! Also, can't wait for The Tarnished Star!

Australia empowers Big Tobacco with its new draconian and simply barking mad vape restrictions

 From July 1st 2024 it will be illegal to own or buy any vaping device other than from pharmacies, and flavours will be limited to mint, men...