Friday 1 May 2009


These little audio snippets come from the forthcoming Tainted Podcast which is the Tainted Archive podcast which will be available on this blog, I-Tunes and other podcast feeds. It should give you a little taster of The Tarnished Star due out June 30th.



Jo Walpole said...

That's brilliant. I might have to have a go with one of mine. It could be fun.

Scott D. Parker said...

You're going to podcast your book! Awesome! Now I get to hear a good story *and* how you sound! Any interest in podcasting other BHW books?

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Scott - I won't be able to podcast the book - the rights and all that - this is just a promo. But I will be podcasting another western that I have written specifically for podcasting.

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