It's an interesting piece and from it we learn that on the last Saturday afternoon performance in Cardiff there were over 17,000 paid admissions and that the total attendance for the week had numbered some 200,000 people. It is also claimed that out of the 200, 000 paid visitors over 16,000 were strangers to the town.
Cardiff tradesmen reaped a considerable harvest during the time the show was in town and at the main restaurant in the town over 15,000 meals were served during the week.
Cody said of Cardiff - 'the town had afforded the most surprising patronage of any town in provincial Great Britain. I never saw so much evidence of thrift and well-being in any city on this side of the water.'
It's a pity old Buff Bill couldn't visit the town today - he'd feel especially at home in nearby Pontypridd which resembles the Wild West - especially on a Saturday night with all the brawling on the streets.
Isn't it great when a simple article can turn into a gold mine of research. From what I've read of this novel, it's going to be a terrific read and will probably be a best seller. Can't wait to read the rest.
Interesting. Thanks, Arch.
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