Thursday 2 April 2009


I had this book as a Christmas gift and had intended to write a little about it before now but someone it had been pushed to the bottom of the pile. Ahh well, better late than never because if you're an adult male, who sometimes resents the fact that they had to leave childhood behind,then this book's for you.

In the age of video games and mobile phones, there must still be a place for knots, tree houses and stories of incredible courage - the book's introduction argues. It then goes onto promise that the book will help you regain those long Sunday afternoons and never ending summer days - because they're still long if you know how to look at them.

To enjoy this book fully you will need the following essential kit:
Swiss army knife, compass,handkerchief, box of matches, a taw, needle and thread, pencil and paper, torch, magnifying glass, plasters and fish hooks.

The book then goes onto show you how to make the greatest paper planes in the world, how to ties the five knots every boy should know, how to make a battery, play conkers, make catapults and tree houses and many more useful skills that we all had once upon a time.

It's great fun and has been a massive seller so I guess I'm not the only one who liked to be reminded of the childhood activities we used to do before the age of computer games.


I.J. Parnham said...

The dangerous book for boys... sounds as if it has sharp edges or something.

I'm not surprised it's a best-seller, presumably for adults, and not children. I'm glad I was a kid before computer games and paranoia about danger set in.

Scott D. Parker said...

I've been wanting to read this book, too. I remember those days before video games (although my generation was the one where video games were introduced) as fun times *even as I was living them*. I think I'll try this book out and take a walk back in time...

Charles Gramlich said...

A lady friend of mine was quite wroth when she saw this book. She was ticked off that there wasn't a dangerous book for girls, although I think they did come out with a girl version of this.

Laurie Powers said...

They did. I've been meaning to pick it up.