Friday, 17 April 2009


Geronimo who surrendered to the US government in September 1886, died of pneumonia in Feb 1909 and was buried at Fort Sill, Okla. Now one hundred years later his grandson has brought suit in Washington against the US government for his remains to be handed over and reburied in New Mexico where the Apache leader was born. However descendants of Apaches who remained in Oklahoma have said they would prefer his remains to stay where they are. The legal battle continues.

Black Horse Western writer, Gillian F. Taylor has appeared on the BBC's Mastermind semi-finals and did herself proud. Everyone at the Black Horse stable are chuffed to bits with Gillian's performance - the audio of the show is at the bottom of this post.

The first volume of Lee A. Silva's Wyatt Earp: A Biography of the legend which appeared in 2002 is widely regarded as the premier work on Earp. Now Volume 2 subtitled: Tombstone before the Earps is to be published this June.

The Archive is saddened to report the passing of Frances Kavanaugh who died this January at the age of 93. Francis penned many screenplays for the B westerns of the 30's and 40's.

There is now a little over two months to go before the June 30th publication of my debut western, The Tarnished Star. The book is doing well on pre-orders which remains the best option to get the book as my publisher specialises in small print runs. Order now and no money will be taken from your account until the book is sent out. For readers outside the UK the cheapest way will be The Book Depository which offers free worldwide delivery - Order here . Amazon are also taking pre-orders and you can order HERE . Or you can order direct from the publisher HERE.

And now Gillian F. Taylor on Mastermind.


Richard Prosch said...

I like the Wild West Roundup a great deal. Some historic bits, some literary news...all good stuff.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Thanks Richard - I will endevour to bring more news as and when I get it. And any writers want their works mentioned then email me and let me know what they've got coming up. The Archive and its readers will be most grateful.

David Cranmer said...

More good stuff Gary. Thanks...

Lee Pierce said...

Go Gillian. I took that picture of her on Red Mountain Pass in Southern Colorado a few years ago. She is a fun person to know, and she writes solid westerns. She visits my family here in NW New Mexico every couple years. My grandkids love her.

Anonymous said...

I like the Roundups, too. They're very much along the lines of what we do for Hoofprints at Black Horse Extra, but that, of course, appears only quarterly. I'll keep pitching bits your way, Gary, especially those worthy of immediate announcement. Today I've taken time out from the Misfit Lil work-in-progress and been working on the intro and layout for the Jack Martin feature article for the next Extra. It should go online mid-May. Put it in your diaries, people!

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Chap - I look forward to the Jack Martin piece but don't let it keep you away from the latest Misfit Lil for too long. Lil addicts would never forgive me.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Lee - great to have you as a Archive reader. Please stop by again.

Dry January now in the rear view

  January 31st - I've done it, gone the full month without a drink. I've smashed dry January. Do I feel proud of myself? Well, sort...