Thursday 30 April 2009

MAY the west be with you

May is almost here and with it we have a rooting'. shooting' month of western posts leading up to the next Wild West Monday - there's a stellar line up this time including contributions from several members of the Western Writers of America, a gold rush of posts from writers of the UK's favourite western house, Hale's Black Horse Westerns and enough goodies to cause a stampede. And it's all in aid of the humble western - that now often neglected genre that has provided some of the greatest movies ever made and that's not to mention all the classic literature.

It's not all shooting and cussing you know - though, that can be fun.

I've been up all night proofing Arkansas Smith which will be published March 2o10 from Black Horse Westerns and Tarnished Star is now not that far away. So I'm getting excited and leaping about all over the place. I'll be reviewing Cormac's classic Blood Meridian during the month and anyone who hasn't read it then I urge you to do so now.

Saddle up and ride with us into the sunset but we'll be back for the Westerns new dawn.



Paul D Brazill said...

Great stuff!

I.J. Parnham said...

Let's hope even more people than usual come up and see you sometime.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Ian - we want as many people as the original westward expansion.

Laurie Powers said...

Very exciting stuff. Very cool about McCarthy. I love his stuff. But you look like you're trying to slalom down that rockface, Gary....:)

Charles Gramlich said...

Wow. pretty cool about Cormac McCarthy. I read Blood Meridian some time ago. Didn't like it as much as several of his others, including The Road.