Monday 27 April 2009


I'm posting another video this week - I made this several years ago and it's been viewed loads on You Tube. The song is the Welsh national anthem and the photographs were taken by myself. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

For more MTM posts go HERE



debra said...

I'm going to show this to my mother-in-law. She grew up in Chester and spent quite a bit of time in Wales. He father sang in a Welsh men's choir.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Debra - the music will probably bring the memories flooding back

Paul D Brazill said...

always a pleasure.

Travis Erwin said...

Very nice.

Miladysa said...

Very enjoyable!

I could have sworn some of those shots had been taken around where I live :D

Anonymous said...

Brings back loads of memories. My Mum would love this.


Barbara Martin said...

Some of the photos remind me of when I last visited Wales (some time ago). I love the music. A wee bit of my roots come from Wales.

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