Saturday, 19 December 2009


This has got to be the most bizarre theory yet but according to one man Jack the Ripper was none other than Arthur Conan Doyle himself, the creator of Sherlock Holmes.

"The real life Sherlock Holmes was also Jack the Ripper. It has been shown by Charles Scamahorn that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle left clues to prove that he was Jack the Ripper. Doyle was the author of the original Sherlock Holmes detective stories but he also wanted credit for being the serial killer known as Jack the Ripper."

Check out the bizarre theory HERE


David Cranmer said...

Yes, I've long suspected it was him or Charles Dickens. I'm glad the truth is finally out!

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

But David we must not discount Enid Blyton and Dan Brown

Ray said...

Bit early for April Fool, methinks.

Dry January now in the rear view

  January 31st - I've done it, gone the full month without a drink. I've smashed dry January. Do I feel proud of myself? Well, sort...