Clint Eastwood an overrated actor and egomaniac!
Bet you never thought you'd see that here - well it's not my opinion but check out this unintentionally hilarious article in which the writer takes a pot shot at Clint Eastwood - HERE
"An egomaniac thinks only in terms of what will benefit himself, and Clint’s behaviour, particularly his behaviour towards the females in his life, shows the Clintster is looking out solely for number one."
This guy has obviously set out to write a character assassination of Mr Eastwood - I think he's just jealous of Eastwood's success with the birds.
Gosh, I am a huge fan of both his acting and directing.
I don't know if I'd call it success with the birds if he's been married four times and sleeps around. Still, the article is ridiculous. How that relates to his ability as a director? I'm still scratching my head over that one.
I would call sleeping around all over the place being successful with the birds.
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