Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Most pirated books of 2009 - SHOCK SEX STILL POPULAR

Freakbits have taken a look at BitTorrent and compiled a listing of the 10 most pirated books – those that have been downloaded between 100,000 and 250,000 times. Most fall into the the “nerdy niche” or porn categories. As TorrentFreak points out, publishers’ fears are largely unjustified as at the end of the year, Dan Brown, Stephen King, Stephenie Meyer and J.K Rowling were the only best selling authors that made it into the top 25.

Authors who put their head in the sand are also mentioned. J.K. Rowling, who won’t allow ebooks of her works to be published, has every single one of her books available digitally as they were either transcribed or scanned by fans. So much for the ultimate DRM – don’t publish! Even that doesn’t work. Simon & Schuster shot itself in the foot by not publishing an ebook of Stephen King’s Under the Dome, as it was almost immediately available on the net within days. How many sales did they loose by delaying ebook release? Note that Rowling and King are among the top 25 most pirated books. All those sales lost, lost lost because publishers don’t understand the ebook space.

The 10 most pirated books:

1. Kamasutra

2. Adobe Photoshop Secrets

3. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amazing Sex

4. The Lost Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci

5. Solar House – A Guide for the Solar Designer

6. Before Pornography – Erotic Writing In Early Modern England

7. Twilight – Complete Series

8. How To Get Anyone To Say YES – The Science Of Influence

9. Nude Photography – The Art And The Craft

10. Fix It – How To Do All Those Little Repair Jobs Around The house



Laurie Powers said...

Huh - some of these titles have real potential. I'm going to have to download them. I'm not going to tell you which ones.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Laurie knowing you it will be the one about little repairs around the house, no doubt.

Charles Gramlich said...

Twilight even! Now that's pretty interesting. The sex books I can understand. At least a book on ethics wasn't in the list of most pirated.

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